Khanh not Can

Jun 9, 20213 min

something you better know

it is not uncommon that almost everyone nowadays possesses a smartphone, laptop, or any other electronic device, particularly in the middle of this pandemic time when we have to shift everything remotely if possible. as an American student, i’m not sure about other states, but in California, even when the situation is getting better, a lot of assignments are still online. this online learning habit has forced us to spend a great amount of time on screen. yup, i know it’s tough. i feel you and we are all in this together. moreover, besides using your electronic devices for classes, i’m pretty sure that 99% of students would also use their smartphones for recreational purposes such as checking instagram, watching youtube or tik tok, and gaming. what might sound familiar is that e-learning has given us the “opportunity” to use our phones during class time without being noticed by teachers, which does not sound like an ideal learning habit at all. smartphones can make you easily get distracted from your work especially when the notifications keep ringing or vibrating next to you.

if you’re reading this blog, there’s a 100% chance that you’re reading it on your computer, tablet, mobile device, or whatever piece of technology you use to browse the internet. within the age of COVID-19, most students or even adults are guilty of spending an excessive amount of time on their devices and not enough time enjoying the planet around us. spending too much time on screen would harm our vision, cause you migraines, and make you feel unproductive because you are wasting time. here are some recommendations on limiting your screen time or staying away from distractions, so you'll improve your quality of life in this new year of 2021.

  1. print things out: for most of my assigned readings in classes, i usually print them out. doing this not only reduces my screen time but also helps me to interpret the texts much faster. a lot of studies have shown that students of all ages, from elementary school to college, tend to absorb more when they're reading on paper than on screens, particularly when it comes to nonfiction material.

  2. “Do Not Disturb” mode: one of the keys to cutting down your screen time is to be disciplined. picking out a period of time each day to step away from your device is a great way to limit screen time and avoid distractions. most devices today have a “Do Not Disturb” setting that allows you to turn off notifications entirely. with this setting, typically you can even schedule a time to be on “Do Not Disturb”. of course, this won’t prevent you from picking up your phone to scroll through social media or play games, but it is a great way to eliminate the temptation, so … don’t forget to turn it on during class time and study hours!

  3. setting time limit for some apps: sound familiar? apps like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube actually allow you to set a limit for the sum of time you'll be able to spend on them. how does it work? the apps will send you a reminder when it’s time to sign off. this feature is simple to set up and definitely holds you in control of managing your time.

it is unavoidable that we all have to use our devices for schoolwork in this hard time since we don’t really have a lot of choices. at the same time, we also understand how annoying they can be, as they have been a distraction for all of us, too. don’t let technologies control us, let us control them. when you start handling your screen time more effectively, you're sure to be on the right track for progress in your academic and personal life!
